Sound Healing

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to your body, mind, and spirit with the intention of bringing you into a state of health and harmony. It offers the possibility of a drug-free way of treating pain and illness without harmful side effects.

Sound healing has been practised for thousands of years and can be traced back to ancient civilisations. The concept is based on the principle that sound can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Sound Healing has been around for millennia. In 1603, in The Schoole of Musicke, the respected musician Thomas Robinson stated:

"Now a musician should be [regarded as] a physician … it is plainly seen by those maladies it cureth. As it cureth melancholy, it much prevaileth against madness. If a man be in pains of the gout, of any wound, or of the head, it much mittigateth against the fury thereof: and it is said that musicke hath a salve for everie sore."

Sound healing works by using different frequencies and vibrations to bring the body, mind and spirit into a state of balance and harmony. These frequencies can be produced by a variety of instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks. Each instrument produces a unique sound and frequency that can be used to target specific areas of the body or chakras.

As the sounds travel through the body, they can help to release tension, balance energy, and promote healing. In recent years, sound healing has gained popularity as a complementary therapy for a range of health conditions, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and sleep disorders. In hospitals today, sound is used for ultrasound scans, certain eye treatments and even treatments to shatter kidney stones to name but a few.

Benefits of Sound Healing

  • Pain control
  • Sleep improvement
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased concentration

What happens in a Sound Healing Session?

During the session, you lie comfortably on a couch with only your shoes removed. I use a range of instruments such as tuning forks, Himalayan bowls, gongs and percussion instruments to apply the techniques I feel would benefit you. Alternatively, you can choose the instrument(s) you wish me to use.

At the end of the session, I take the time to ensure that you are fully grounded before discussing future plans. The frequency of sessions can vary depending on your individual needs and can be scheduled on a one-off basis or regularly, such as once a month or once a quarter, with the change of season.

It's important to note that sound healing is contraindicated for individuals with pacemakers, during the first trimester of pregnancy, severe mental illness, severe osteoporosis, recent hip or joint operations, epilepsy, and advanced stages of cancer.

If you're interested in experiencing the potential benefits of sound healing, please contact me for more information.

Assemblage Point Correction

The Assemblage Point is the main place where our energy field connects with our physical body. It is directly connected with our life force energy. The position of the Assemblage Point has a direct effect on our physical and psychological health. If the Assemblage Point is too low we will experience chronic fatigue. If it is too high our behaviour will be manic and aggressive.

A simple re-alignment can give the body a good chance to re-set itself and gain the maximum long-term benefit from other treatments. Assemblage Point re-alignment can be added to any other modality for a modest additional fee. Please ask at the time of booking.

Initial Assessment

In our first session we will discuss your medical history to help me understand what brings you to sound healing and how I can best help you. With your permission I would do a scan of your current energy state, after which I will compose a blended treatment based on the scan. The scan enables me to find out where your energies and vibrations are sub-optimal and what your body actually needs.

Fees and Availability

£50 per one hour session.

Discounts are available if you book a course of sessions. Please contact me for more information.

If you need to cancel a session for any reason, please give 24 hours’ notice to avoid being charged in full for the session missed.

© Susan Lark Complementary Therapies

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